Monday, March 20, 2017

Beef tongue

Today, for the first time, I've cooked beef tongue. Here is my reportage about it.
Different families, have different family reliques. Our was made by "COOPERATIVE METHIMPROM MOSCOW", at least 60 years old and traveled with us across the ocean, all the way from USSR.
Here are the ingredients, that I've added approximately after 2.5 hours of cooking. Although, they are some opinions, that adding spices are useless, because tongue does not absorbs it. After adding onion, carrots, bay leaf, garlic, salt and other spices,
I've cooked it for another 30 minutes. Then, I've took meat from the roaster, and submerged for a couple minutes in very cold water. It allowed me to remove this white looking layer of skin. After removing skin, I've placed it back in boiling broth for another 15, so it can absorb some of the flavors, after being washed.
Here is prepared tongues. I've tried a few pieces and put the rest in the fridge, for future use as a cold cuts. It tasted surprisingly good for the first try. Bon appétit and hope to see you again!

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