Sunday, March 12, 2017

"Ballpark" sandwich

I am not a hot dog expert, mainly because rarely consume them and didn't had a chance to try all of varieties sold in this country. But, according to my taste buds, from what I had opportunity to sample, Costco has the best hot dogs in Canada.
In addition to my beef hot dogs, for my "Ballpark" breakfast sandwich, I've used horseradish mustard, sauerkraut, banana peppers, ketchup and my favorite ciabatta 9-grain triangle buns.
To start, I've placed cut hot dogs on the flying pan, because griled they look and taste much better.
End then, I've built my sandwich, following displayed below steps.
And here is a ready to eat "Ballpark" sandwich.
Bon appétit and hope to see you again.

P.S. According to the scientific research, two ounces of sauerkraut contain amount of probiotics equal to 100 probiotic supplement pills. So, I can with confidence state, that I've taken at least 50 of those pills, with my today's breakfast.

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