Monday, March 27, 2017

"Mangobell" pasta

While making this dish, I was very proud of myself, believing that I invented it. Now, just before posting, I've googled it and realized, that it's pretty common dish. Oh well, what can you do, everything new is well forgotten old, but in my case not even forgotten. Nevertheless, I likes the taste of it and can recommend, that you try it too.
Mango and bell pepper -- that's where "Mangobell" name of this dish came from.
No pasta should be without garlic -- it's a sacrilege. But, I always add garlic in the final stage of preparation, so not to overcook it.
The same with mango, which was added just before pasta.
At this stage, it's more a mixing bowl, than a frying pan. I've intended to soak pasta in olive oil, with all flavours it got from sweet peppers, mango, garlic and all other spices.
Here is almost ready to eat dish, only thing that missing is some double smoked cheddar shredded cheese.
Voilà, bon appétit! Hope to see you again!

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