Monday, April 17, 2017

Sunday's Striploin steak

Today's steak was the antibiotics and hormone free Striploin steak, also known as Ambassador, Boneless Club, Hotel-Style, Kansas City, New York, and Veiny.
I picked it up, after watching YouTube tutorials, o how to select proper steak. Apparently, marbling is very important. This is not quite a Kobe steak, but the best that they had at the store, with the price over $50 per kilogram.
To make it even better, I've marinated it in a mix of vine vinegar and olive oil, with special steak seasoning mix.
Although, I've grilled this brinjal, along with tomatoes, garlic and baby corn, this picture is just because of it's the vibrant colour.
Here is a final result. Bon appétit! Hope to see you again. Also, would be very happy to receive your feedback or advice about my culinary creations.

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