Friday, March 31, 2017

Hot dogs

Here is my today's lunch: beef hot dogs with sauerkraut, banana peppers, tomatoes, ketchup
Bon appétit and hope to see you again!

Look what I bought today

Went grocery shopping today. Got a couple new items at COSTCO, that were on sale. Not sure, if sale only in Alberta or all across Western Canada.
 I've tasted it in the store and liked it. Now I can have my bacon and eggs for breakfast.
Eat Smart's "Sweet kale', also sounded so good, that I had to get it. It contained 7 "Superfoods": Kale, green cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, chicory, roasted pumpkin seeds and dried cranberries, plus poppyseed dressing.

"Green" sandwich

It's not very interesting sandwich, mainly because I've forgot to add roasted seasoned seaweed, as it was originally planned. I believe, that this nori flavour would've added a aspect to the "Green" sandwich. well, maybe next time.
The ingredients for this sandwich, are Tzatziki-green pea spread, avocado, cucumber and of course a Ciabatta bun,
garnished, with a drop of Tzatziki and parsley
Here is a final result. Bon appétit and hope to see you again!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Colorful and happy lunch.

Some food make me smile. McCain's "Smiles" fries is one of those foods. Just looking at the place with them, triggers a smile. So, not surprising, I use them as much as I can.
This time, I had smiles with a salad, made from Dole's "Colorful coleslaw" , with addition of sweet red peelers and cucumber, sliced almost julienne style.
And to make it even better, I've added some "Salad topper" shredded cheese mix.
Here is a final result. Bon appétit and hope to see you again!

"Tzatzikipeastan" sandwich

This breakfast came as solution to the problem, what do with yesterday's leftovers. I had some mashed green peas left and watermelon sitting in my fridge.
But, green peas are very plain by themselves, so I've mixed them with Tzatziki.
Used mashed green peas tzatziki mix, as a spread on Ciabatta buns and add thinly sliced and lightly salted watermelon, on top.
Then, placed some thinly sliced Feta cheese, to complete new "Tzatzikipeastan" sandwich
Here is a final result.
Bon appétit and hope to see you again!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

"Chicken Flings"

This is my late lunch -- Pinty's "Buffalo Chicken Flings" from COSTCO, with cucumber and slightly salted watermelon flowers.
Bon appétit and hope to see you again!

"Olivier" sandwich

"Olivier" salad (Russian: салат Оливье) is a traditional salad dish in former USSR countries. It's also popular, under the different names, in many other European countries, Iran, Israel, Mongolia and also throughout Latin America. This sandwich is a homage to this popular dish.
The biggest challenge in creating this sandwich, was a problem what to do with the green peas, that are integral part of "Olivier". It's practically impossible to keep round little things inside the buns, so I've decided to mash them, with addition of some garlic mayo spread.
Here are the main ingredients of salad "Olivier' and my sandwich: mashed green peas, carrot, beef tongue, potato, eggs, sour pickles and salt.
I was using mashed green peas with garlic mayo, as a spread. Normally, in "Olivier" used bologna or some other meat, but my choice for today was a beef tongue.
The order of placing ingredients, does not really matter, but for me it was in this order: green pea spread, beef tongue, sliced potato,
sliced sour pickle, sliced egg,
carrot, garlic mayo and some dill.
For me it was a late breakfast, but it also can be a "take to work" lunch.  Bon appétit and hope to see you again!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Kitchen gadget

Here another gadget from my kitchen.
Purchase for approximately $3 and used today for a first time.
No instruction necessary -- images are very self explanatory.

"Fruitbliss" sandwich

It's amazing, how routine is apple pie and how unimaginable is apple sandwich, although they are both made from the same ingredients. So, today's breakfast, was sorta breaking established norms.
Here are the main ingredients: apple, mango, Havarti cheese and E. D. Smith's strawberry spread.
For my efforts, I was rewarded by a star, from the core.
The first stage is spreading the spread on the toasted Ciabatta bun. Then, added slices of cheese on top,
followed by thin slices of apple and mango.
Voilà, bon appétit! Hope to see you again!

Monday, March 27, 2017

"Mangobell" pasta

While making this dish, I was very proud of myself, believing that I invented it. Now, just before posting, I've googled it and realized, that it's pretty common dish. Oh well, what can you do, everything new is well forgotten old, but in my case not even forgotten. Nevertheless, I likes the taste of it and can recommend, that you try it too.
Mango and bell pepper -- that's where "Mangobell" name of this dish came from.
No pasta should be without garlic -- it's a sacrilege. But, I always add garlic in the final stage of preparation, so not to overcook it.
The same with mango, which was added just before pasta.
At this stage, it's more a mixing bowl, than a frying pan. I've intended to soak pasta in olive oil, with all flavours it got from sweet peppers, mango, garlic and all other spices.
Here is almost ready to eat dish, only thing that missing is some double smoked cheddar shredded cheese.
Voilà, bon appétit! Hope to see you again!

"Borscht" sandwich

In case, if you hadn't notices it yet, I'll make it crystal clear -- I love borscht! This time, I've made Borscht sandwich, that has all ingredients of a borscht, except water.
Process started, from searing roasted lamb.
Than, placed seared meat on the toasted bun and topped it with sliced beets.
Placed some Dole's "Colorful coleslaw", made with two kinds of cabbage and carrots, on top of beets.
Then, added tomato based BBQ sauce and garnished with some dill, to enhance the flavour.
Here is a final result. Bon appétit and hope to see you again!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Sunday's Steak

Sunday is a steak night at my house. This time it was a T-bone, with grilled sweet peppers, sour pickles, mushrooms and tomatoes.
Resting T-bone steak.
Here is a final result. Bon appétit and hope to see you again!

"Egg Flower" sandwich

Here is my latest breakfast creation, that was partially successful. Only one out of four flowers, looked anything like a flower. Fortunately, taste did not suffer the same destiny.
One of those, does look like a flower,
but after adding spices and dill,
finely chopped remains of the sweet pepper and sliced jumbo olives, flowers looked trampled.
My new favorite spread -- Renée's "Mighty Caesar"
Here is a final result.
Bon appétit and hope to see you again!

Saturday, March 25, 2017

"Ikura" sandwich

Nothing fancy. Just some salmon roe on ciabatta bun with cream cheese, and garnished with cucumber tomato, capers and dill.