Sunday, April 30, 2017

"Chicken or Egg" sandwich

What came first the chicken or the egg? The answer to this age old question came to me during my breakfast preparation. The chicken came first and egg came later.
To be more precise, toasted 9-grain ciabatta came first followed by eggplant muhammara spread.
Then, came tomatoes and avocado and crowned by the egg on the top of everything.
Here is a final result. Bon appétit! Hope to see you again. Also, would be very happy to receive your feedback or advice about my culinary creations.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

"MangoLox" sandwich

Only hockey is more Canadian, than maple syrup. You can spread hockey on your bread, but you can do it with maple syrup. Today, I've made a maple syrup mango lox sandwich.
Maple syrup added amazing caramel taste,
that was very complementary to the alder-smoked wild Sockeye salmon
and mango.
Here is a final result. Bon appétit! Hope to see you again. Also, would be very happy to receive your feedback or advice about my culinary creations.

Friday, April 28, 2017

"Not Real Canadian Chicken" sandwich

Bought a real Canadian Maple syrup, at the Real Canadian Superstore, in order to make a real Canadian chicken sandwich for breakfast. Unfortunately, mango does not grow in Canada and my sandwich ended up being not really a Canadian, but nevertheless very tasty.
Today's ingredients: real dark pure maple syrup, extra lean smoked chicken, mango, 9-grain ciabatta bun.
A small amount of maple syrup was sprinkled on toasted buns and absorbed, before chicken and mango was placed on it.
Here is a final result. Bon appétit! Hope to see you again. Also, would be very happy to receive your feedback or advice about my culinary creations.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

"Chicken Gumbo 2"

Took yesterday's soup leftovers and added extra large Fava beans, to gain some density.
Here is a final result. Bon appétit! Hope to see you again. Also, would be very happy to receive your feedback or advice about my culinary creations.

"Krasnaya Ikra" buterbrod

Was short on time this morning and decided to go simple Russian sandwich with red caviar.  Should stipulate, that used by me tzatziki is not very popular in Russia. They would probably use regular unsalted butter.
Here is a final result. Bon appétit! Hope to see you again. Also, would be very happy to receive your feedback or advice about my culinary creations.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Chicken Gumbo soup

Cannot do an original Creole gumbo, because it generally contains non kosher shellfish, so cooked a chicken gumbo. Pretty basic recipe containing chicken, bell peppers, whole kernel corn, pinto beans, tomato paste and spices. Cook chicken for about 30 minutes, before adding all other ingredients and simmers for another 15 minutes, before it's ready to eat.
Here is a final result. Bon appétit! Hope to see you again. Also, would be very happy to receive your feedback or advice about my culinary creations.

"Chicken Caesar" sandwich

This breakfast sandwich was made with Renée’s "Mighty Caesar" dressing. It's loaded with fresh garlic and Parmesan cheese and makes a fabulous garlic spread. Also, I've used smoked chicken slices.
Unfortunately, didn't had any lettuce in my fridge, so ended up using just cucumber and tomato.
Here is a final result. Bon appétit! Hope to see you again. Also, would be very happy to receive your feedback or advice about my culinary creations.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Sunday steak

My traditional Sunday steak, was moved to Tuesday. Meat, was prepared according to a traditional family recipe. First, covered on both sides with generous amount of coarse kosher salt. After absorbing salt for 20 minutes, salt was washed away with running water.
Second, it was covered with vine vinegar and olive oil, and seasoned with KEG's steak mix. After marinating for an hour or more, it's ready to hit the grill. With this steak 5 minutes per side, was sufficient for medium rare.
It was accompanied by Eat Smart's "Sweet Kale" salad, which included 7 "Superfoods": Kale, green cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, chicory, roasted pumpkin seeds and dried cranberries, plus poppyseed dressing, with extra amount of roasted pumpkin seeds.
Here is a final result. Bon appétit! Hope to see you again. Also, would be very happy to receive your feedback or advice about my culinary creations.

"MangoFet" sandwich

Had an early lunch today, so decided to go with lighter breakfast, and made mango, strawberry, feta sandwich, on toasted 9-grain ciabatta bun with strawberry spread.
Here is a final result. Bon appétit! Hope to see you again. Also, would be very happy to receive your feedback or advice about my culinary creations.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Spinach & Mozzarella Ravioli

Today's lunch: "Spinach & Mozzarella Ravioli" with parmesan, herbs and tzatziki.
Here is a final result. Bon appétit! Hope to see you again. Also, would be very happy to receive your feedback or advice about my culinary creations.

"RoastBell" sandwich

Today's breakfast is a combination of garlic roast beef and roasted bell peppers.
Some smokehouse BBQ sauce and garlic roast beef on top of toasted 9-grain ciabatta bun, to start.
Then, added some sour pickles
and roasted bell peppers.
Here is a final result, garnished with balsamic reduction and basil.
Bon appétit! Hope to see you again. Also, would be very happy to receive your feedback or advice about my culinary creations.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

"Winged salad"

This was a baby Kale salad, with cherry tomatoes, pumpkin seeds and dressed with balsamic and olive oil mix.
Here is a final result. Bon appétit! Hope to see you again. Also, would be very happy to receive your feedback or advice about my culinary creations.

"Ikura & Eggs" sandwich

Origins of today's sandwich, consisting of chicken eggs and fish eggs, is very hard to determine. It can be Japanese or Russian. Ikura is a name for salmon caviar in both languages. Also, eggs are the big part of both cuisines. On the other hand, tzatziki and ciabatta, have Europeo–Mediterranean origins.
My egg flowers -- one day, I will make them look perfect.
But, for now, I will settle with perfect taste.
As often, foundation of the sandwich is toasted 9-grain ciabatta buns with tzatziki spread.
Here is a final result. Bon appétit! Hope to see you again. Also, would be very happy to receive your feedback or advice about my culinary creations.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

"Butterflies & Tomatoes" pasta

My pretty basic supper: pasta Farfalle (English: butterflies) with California sun-dried tomatoes, garlic, olive oil and shredded cheeses.
Bon appétit! Hope to see you again. Also, would be very happy to receive your feedback or advice about my culinary creations.

"Doctor's" sandwich

For some strange reason, bologna in Soviet Union was called "Doctor's sausage". It was made from meat byproducts, with occasional addition of toilet paper, to replace weight of stolen meat. It's possible, that continuous consumption of this "delicacy", would unavoidably lead to visiting a doctor, therefore the name "Doctor's sausage". I'm pretty confident, that my beef bologna is a better quality, than one that was made in the USSR.
As always, my sandwich was made on toasted 9-grain ciabatta bun, with horseradish Dijon as a base spread.
I've also used my favorite sour pickles, that taste similar to ones sold in motherland.
Topped everything with fresh tomatoes and a spicy horseradish mayo.
Here is a final result. Bon appétit! Hope to see you again. Also, would be very happy to receive your feedback or advice about my culinary creations.

Friday, April 21, 2017

"BrieLox" sandwich

As a patriot, decided to buy Canadian alder-smoked wild Sockeye Salmon. So, today's breakfast is 100% Canuck. Only thing missing is a maple syrup. Oh well, there's always a next time.
If someone wondering, I bought it at local Costco for approximately $15.
As always, on slightly overtoasted 9-grain ciabatta bun, I had used tzatziki spread(yogurt with cucumber, sea salt and garlic), instead of traditional cream cheese.
To which added Brie cheese
and cucumber.
Here is a final result. Bon appétit! Hope to see you again. Also, would be very happy to receive your feedback or advice about my culinary creations.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Red Lentil soup

A very biblical soup today for lunch. In Genesis, Esau traded his inheritance to Jacob, for a bowl of red lentil soup. I've added some cheese, to make it more interesting.
Here is a final result. Bon appétit! Hope to see you again. Also, would be very happy to receive your feedback or advice about my culinary creations.

"Gremolata Beef" sandwich

If you were wondering about why I was making Gremolata, described in my previous post, now you know why. It suppose to be a key ingredient of my superfood breakfast sandwich.
I've started with generously spreading gremolata on toasted 9-grain ciabatta buns.
Then, added garlic roast beef
and tomatoes.
Here is a final result. Bon appétit! Hope to see you again. Also, would be very happy to receive your feedback or advice about my culinary creations.